Offering Healing Touch, Dream Work, & Spiritual Direction

Words to Inspire Healing & Wholeness

Words to inspire and uplift for your healing journey.

What is the Work?

What if all each of us is here to do is to learn how to trust ourselves? To see ourselves the way the Great Creator does: whole, beloved, needed for the wellbeing of all. Each of us has been wounded by life in this world. So many voices are ready to tell us who we are, how we are or are not valued, what needs to matter to us and why. Depending on how early our first wounding, we can be marred so deeply that we cannot even remember our original blessedness: the grand design that is each one of us — that is cherished and beautiful and so very needed in this world today.  It can make it very tough to trust. 

But what if the journey is all about trusting ourselves — even if it takes the help of a loving community to get us there? What if the work that is needed is getting quiet enough, still enough, attentive enough to receive the signals from our bodies, minds, and spirits that we might know. What if we are to tune into the signals and cues from our being that are a gift from The Being to guide our path in walking the Way? What if what God/The Divine/Great Spirit/The Transcendent/Life-giver/The Force/Love (whatever title speaks best to you of that which is Beyond AND alive in all) wants for each of us is truly to know for ourselves?

A 20th Century Christian Theologian predicted that if Christianity is to be in the 21st Century, it will be mystical. In other words, now is the season to experience connection with The Holy/God/The Divine/Great Spirit/The Transcendent/Life-giver/The Force/Love (whatever title speaks best to you of that which is Beyond AND alive in all).

Do your work — so you can discern well to know the difference between that which leads to true Life and that which is coming from the residue of your wounds. Pay attention to what arises. Every day our bodies, minds, emotions, and spirits will make themselves known if we are brave enough to listen. As Rumi says in “The Guest House,” accept them all. Welcome them as guests come for the sake of the Highest Good. Each one a friend given from The Beyond.

Trust yourself. You will know.

Peace for the journey!